Quick links:

If you prefer video, tap the link to get our Unlimited Energy bills explainer video 👇 Or check out our Unlimited Energy page for more info + videos andget a quote. 

Fused now offers Unlimited Renewable Energy, with 100% renewable electricity from our energy partners 🌱

If you need more info after this, we have a huge guide to student bills, and a guide to paying your student bills.

What's an Unlimited Energy tariff?

  • AnUnlimited Energytariff is what it sounds like - unlimited gas and renewable electricity!
    • Services from other companies have hidden usage limits, but Fused doesn't!
    • It's genuinely unlimited. That's what you pay for.
  • You pay the same price every month and can use all the gas and electricity you need.
  • No worries about about energy costs or obsessively watching the smart meter.
  • Unlimited Energy tariffs aren't available directly from suppliers, only from services like Fused.

Why is an Unlimited Energy deal good for students?

Unlimited Energy simplifies the most expensive utility bill

  • Bills make up a big chunk of a student's monthly expenses, and energy bills are usually the most expensive.
  • This means they can be a common cause ofarguments in a student house.
  • AnUnlimited Energy deal(with 100% renewable electricity) takes that stress off the table, cause you'll never be charged extra for using what you need.
  • You can even get FIXED prices for 12-month contracts 😌

Use as much energy as your student house needs with Unlimited Energy (No extra bills!)

  • An unlimited energy deal means you won't get a bill at the end of your contract for 'over using' energy
    • Given that 52% of students avoid putting the heat on to save money, this is good news (Save the Student)
  • That means finances are more predictable with Unlimited Energy.
  • You already know how this works - just think of a mobile contract with unlimited calls, texts and data.
    • There's no surprise bill later, because everything is covered in one monthly payment.

What to look for in an Unlimited Energy package:

  • Make sure the package is actually unlimited. Some suppliers have clauses that limit the "unlimited" deal.
  • Check out student bills specialistswho give a discount, like £0 management fees for students.

What's the difference between capped and unlimited energy student bills packages?

This is a bit complicated, so bear with us. 

How traditional capped energy bills are priced

Energy suppliers base monthly energy bills on an energy allowance, using an estimate of the energy they think you'll use. 

Basically, a traditional energy deal is like having a capped data allowance in your mobile phone contract.  

  • To figure out your costs, suppliers use typical energy-use data for a household of your size and theenergy tariffyou sign up for.
  • The price for your whole contract is broken into monthly instalments, so you pay an equal amount each month, rather than having much higher bills in winter.
    • You can also choose to pay for your energy use each month, but heating costs can make that expensive in winter, so most people choose to split it up.
  • Yourenergy meterlogs your usage every time you use energy for anything in your student house
    • Whether that's toshower, charge your phone, watchTV...it's all recorded
  • Your supplier will bill you if you go over that allowance, which can be a stressful thought if money is tight.
    • If your smart meter ormeter readingsshow higher energy usage than your supplier estimated, you get a bill for the extra energy at the end of your contract.
    • Or they might change your monthly payment to cover the difference. 

Quick energy tariff explainer

  • An energy tariff is an agreed price per unit of energy (kWh) that you choose when you sign up with an energy supplier.
    • This is the price you'll pay for the whole of your energy contract. 
  • Traditionally, there are two types of energy tariff:fixed tariff and variable tariff
    • Both tariff types set a price per kWh and a daily standing charge.
      • A standing charge is a few pence you pay each day to be connected to an energy supply.
    • The Standard Variable Tariff (SVT) is set by the Energy Price Cap and changes every three months
    • A fixed tariff will stay the same for your whole contract

Find out more about energy tariffs or the Ofgem Energy Price Cap.

Unlimited Energy vs. going direct to a supplier

Unlimited Energy deals cover all the energy you need for one easy monthly payment! 

This graph is a quick representation of what the difference can look like. A capped package has a lower monthly cost, but overusage charges can soon add up. The extra money you pay for an Unlimited Energy deal is designed to give you peace of mind so you never have to worry about extra charges later.

A graph titled "Total package price". An unlimited energy package has a bar on the left about half way up the "Price" axis. A capped bar on the right shows a smaller bar than unlimited at first, but a flaming add on labelled "overuse" takes the cost high

To go back to mobile contract comparisons, it's like a capped contract. You get a super cheap offer, for only 1GB of data, which is easy to go over for many people. Energy deals are the same: A cheaper initial price doesn't mean you're going to get what you need.

Potential stress escalator with a capped energy package:

A graph titled 'capped package' showing time vs. stress levels - a melodramatic student in the bottom right corner screams and looks at the sky. The highest point is "credit rating affected if you can't pay the bills"

Fused bills is one of only a few services offering Unlimited Energy. It's something you can't get directly from a supplier.

These low stress levels could be you with an Unlimited Energy Deal:

A graph titled "unlimited energy package" showing time vs. stress levels. This time the line is flat, with the final step being a good credit rating. A chilled student in the bottom right listens to music on her headphones.

What are the benefits of an Unlimited Energy student bills package?

An Unlimited Energy deal gives you:

  • As much energy as you need to use for a predictable monthly cost ⚡️
    • Fixed payments for 12-month contracts.
  • 100% renewable electricity from our energy partners
  • No surprise charges at the end of your contract - no nasty bill shock! 🤯
  • An easier time managing your budget 😌
  • Peace of mind and no watching the smart meter✌️
  • No arguing with housemates over owing money or leaving the lights on ☮️

A table comparing all of the listed points above to a capped package. The only "tick" a capped energy package has in its column is that it's cheaper up front.

Sound good? Get a quote or find out more about Unlimited Energy.

A quick Unlimited Energy video explainer

More info about student bills: